Fire Risk Assessment

GB Compliance are BAFE SP205 and registered with IFSM as Members and Tier 2 & 3 National Accredited Assessors Register (N.A.F.R.A.R) as well as being Blue Sky accredited for fire door inspections.

A fire risk assessment is used to identify fire hazards in the environment and then form an action plan that is proportional to the risk to reduce or remove these hazards to an acceptable level that ensures life safety.   

Under Article 9 of the Regulatory Reform (fire safety) Order 2005 the responsible person (Landlords, Employers, Person in Control must ensure that a suitable and sufficient  fire risk assessment is completed by a competent person as depicted within Article 18 of the legislation.

We provide in depth and detailed fire risk assessments which are easy to understand and implement without all the unnecessary padding of information to try and justify the cost of the document. Once the fire risk assessment is completed we provide a detailed action plan with a priority rating on each task along with best practice advice for rectification works. 

To arrange this and get a free quote for your fire risk assessment you can contact us on +44 01784 247 722 or email us at

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